Sounds of the Forest – an ultra-chill site where you can listen to the sound of forests around the world

The best sound background for calming and relieving stress is silence, it’s a fact. But there is a particular paradoxical kind of silence that is most soothing. The silence of the forest is an example of a “natural acoustic system”, a whole ocean of sounds constantly filled with rustling foliage, chirping insects, singing birds, streams of water and the crackling of tree bark. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of these loudspeakers, and the Sounds of the Forest enthusiasts are trying to preserve them at least digitally.

The idea came from the participants of the annual British Timber Festival. It takes place in a forest thicket, which they themselves are constantly expanding, planting new trees and cherishing the dream of creating their own huge forest. But in 2020, the festival failed to collect – a pandemic. So the participants decided to be together in at least the network space. This is how Sounds of the Forest was born – a site where you can listen to the sound of forests from all over the world.