Banana on Wheels, Toilet Wrestling and Stoned Pacman in the Best Bloodhound Gang Videos

The Bloodhound Gang is a truly iconic Pennsylvania comedy group. They started in 1988 as a rapcore band in the spirit of the Beastie Boys, but became a phenomenon by the mid-nineties, when they finally forgot about seriousness and started fooling around. Over the next ten years, they wrote a ton of immortal, defiantly obscene, but very funny and tenacious songs. At the same time, they always swam in musical styles with amazing ease: funk, punk, metal, country, dance electronics, pop – whatever you say. It’s even hard to believe that the band’s debut album was released 25 years ago – after all, eternal youth literally baked into the tracks of Bloodhound Gang.

In 2015, the gang actually broke up, some say that the rebels just signed up. But their classic material has not lost its relevance anyway. On the occasion of the anniversary of the album Use Your Fingers, I decided to recall five of my favorite Bloodhound Gang videos and figure out what is being sung about in these songs. Although the range of lyrical themes in the group is not very wide!